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Not safe but safer


Security system is a form of reassurance. Like fortress, metal bars, and fences, although they are extremely helpful, they can only protect us to a certain extent. Most of the time, if is us who need to be responsible for creating a safe living and working environment.

As common sense as it sounds, but there are always individuals who neglect or underestimate the importance of day-to-day safety.

For example, lock all doors and windows while you are away and if you already have a security system installed, check that they are working at their optimal level and there is enough electricity supply to garner their functions during your absent.

A small trick here is to make the premise looks occupied, such as synchronising the front door light with timer, so that they continue to light up in the evening even when there is no one around. Inform post office to hold onto your mail so that envelopes or flyers will not stack up. In the domestic setting, do engage in neighbours’ help, ask them to keep an eye on your property or retrieve newspaper delivery.

Regardless of homes or commercial buildings, make sure there is sufficient lighting in all areas. If you will like to cut down on electricity bill, install motion sensor lights. Shadowy areas such as bushes and tree backs are best for hiding, hence creating opportunities for burglars to house themselves before or after the act.

Regular maintenance of existing security systems, ensure that they do not turn into comfortable homes for pests as their presence may damage the qualities of the recorded footages or worse, triggers a false alarm.

In addition, ensure there is no blind spot, a 360-degree coverage is always ideal because an offence can take place anytime and anywhere. There is no 100% safe zone when it comes to security.

Make full of existing technology, such as connecting the security system to your mobile phone, taking a picture each time when someone gains access to certain areas, or keep a detailed fingerprint record of all authroised personnel etc.

Always remember that the security system is a form of deterrent, to reduce the chances of crime or emergency from taking place. By having a good system does not guarantee no crime but the investment definitely had brought us a peace of mind.

Security on a budget?


A good security system is never a big monetary investment, rather, it is a conscious choice which involves many level of detailed considerations.

Many think that by going for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) option, they can save themselves a big buck as self-installation camera or alarm sets are easily available. However, some users may underestimate the functionality of these DIY sets. Functionality means the installed cameras or alarms may not work maximally or in accordance to one’s needs since DIY set only provides the basic.

Thus, if the cameras are to be mount outdoor or to work overnight, the DIY set camera may not come with the right lenses, focus, setting, or protection. Resulting in the provision of undermined quality footages that may not be able to use as evidence in case of emergency.

Unless the users have adequate wiring experiences or they may find difficulties in installation, resulting in the security unit interfering the electricity supply within the surveillance premise. Sometimes, inexperience users may also find their security system more succumb to wear and tear as a result of improper installation.

Consulting experts may minimise the above mistakes but also take note of the kind of company you are enquiring. Regardless of national or local security companies, ensure that they are proper licensed and obtain at least three quotes from three different companies before deciding on one. All these details will ensure that you are receiving what you have paid.

Zooming into the finer detail, which is another area which requires attention so as to avoid excessive expenditure. In this case, wireless security system is often encouraged so as to save cost on wiring and this is especially true for premises that are fully furnished. Nevertheless, users will have to ensure constant wifi or internet service within the area so that both cameras and alarms are constantly alert.

Besides, domestic security system users may choose to opt out certain additional function like smoke or carbon monoxide detector and replace with fire blanket or other safety measures within the household.

Moreover, home security users can also choose the bells-only or audible alarm which goes off when trigger. On the other hand, commercial security system users may choose the more complex system which couples different sirens to indicate different emergencies or message broadcast.

In summary, the cost saving idea is applicable to security system installation only if certain aspects had been paid attention to. Thus, be a smart and detailed oriented user and get started on planning a security system which best fits your safety needs.

Differences between security and surveillance


Security is not surveillance and surveillance is also not security. Even though the two terms often appear together in related articles, with one as indispensable as the other, there lie subtle differences that we might have missed.

In general, surveillance is a kind of behaviour supervision and it is performed for various reasons ranging from crowd management to exerting influence. Surveillance can be accounted as involuntary and one sided as the original phase stemming from French “sur-veiller” meaning “watching over”.

On the other hand, security can be seen as a form of protection, to safeguard someone or something vulnerable from being harm. As a result of security, certain controls are implement, such as the forbidden of bringing potential hazard or dangerous goods on board, X-ray machines, and metal detectors at check points.

Usually, people associate surveillance as more provoking than security, because the former has a higher tendency of violating one’s privacy.  This is to why there are laws to ensure the use of surveillance is not privatised.

Similarly, security also faces its own controversy with the desired security mismatching the real security. For example, the fear of terrorist attack is reported at a higher frequency as compared to home accident, although the latter killed more people as compared to the former.

Furthermore, sometimes the existence of a kind of security may deplete the other kind of security. For example, the installation of two anti-virus programs onto the same computer, owner may walk away with the knowledge that he or she is getting double protection, without realising that one program may interfere with the functionality of the other.

Besides, when it comes to surveillance, there is a higher tendency for it to intertwine technology, information, and social networks. Whereas security stamps all areas from domestic to the corporate world.

One may question the importance of knowing these differences. At a glance, understanding the differences between security and surveillance may seem trivial but with closer look, especially for prospective CCTV and alarm system users, it will be great if they can have it at the back of their minds. Such knowledge may come in handy when deciding on the type of security system to install within the desired premise.

Hence, to be a smart user, one should garner themselves with adequate relevant knowledge and when in doubt, remember to always consult an expert.

Security Elements – The more the merrier?


Time and again, when it comes to security system, the most common questions one will have to face are “where is it going to be placed”, “how big is the surveillance area”, “what is your budget”, and “what is your preference”. The list can go on and on and it can be rather tedious and overwhelming for amateurs.

Moreover, the many models and choices of security systems out there in the market readily for selection can also be a headache for many new users. As a result, it is common to find different types of security systems all housed under one roof. This may increase the likelihood of a system overriding the other, minimising or depleting the primary purpose of acquiring a network which safeguard our premises.

Hence, security systems are never the more the merrier. In fact, it should be the more consideration, the better. By consideration it means three things – read, ask, and learn.

To read is to garner adequate knowledge about closed circuit television (CCTV), alarm, and access control systems. You do not have to be an overnight expert but neither should you be completely blank. The best approach to do is to first understand that having a domestic or commercial system is some form of an investment. This investment is going to have an impact on what you will receive in return, be it short term or long term.

As such, find out the worthiness of the premise which you will like to protect and compare it across with different security systems. Be mindful that this investment is one-off, which means you will only have to make a major decision once and the rest to follow are just annual maintenance.

As you read, try to ask as many questions as possible too. Remember there is no such thing as “silly questions”. Nevertheless, remember to ask always the “right questions” so that you will not receive the “wrong answers”.

Asking means clarifications, sitting down with experts and owners of existing security systems. This will be beneficial when it comes to receiving insiders’ guide or tips. Asking can be internal too, as in, ask yourself what exactly do you want. Recently, security system also provides additional features like smoke or carbon monoxide detector and remote home automation services. These features are optional and only useful if the alarm is to be placed in certain areas prompt to these threats. Hence by having better ideas of your own needs, you can better weigh what is the best for yourself.

Last but not least, learn in the process so that you can revisit, again and again, what you have learnt previously. Technology advances, so do security system, and there is also no guarantee that the surveillance premise will not change. Therefore, move forward with time and this is definitely a much better solution than acquiring numerous security systems.

How smart technology had its impact on security?


It is not something new, it has been at least a decade or two, with technology radically seeping its influence on our everyday lives. Similarly, technology has also created a certain impact on our security systems and the way we view about security.

The absent of wires and turning analogue cameras to digital or even high definition, are major moves for our closed circuit television systems (CCTVs). Presently, users can also remote monitor their surveillance premises via real time video, ensuring that they are aware of what is going on at sites even though they may not be able to present physically.

Unlike traditional locks which require one to remember the passwords, smart locks enable users to open them via smartphone Bluetooth or keyfob. Not only so, a wifi lock can actually keep an eye on the lock on behalf of the users, to keep track of who and when the lock had been open or close.

Surveillance cameras are also moving ahead of times as users no longer have to afraid of the inability to capture a target as they move off the surveillance area. The new security cameras are able to collaborate together in which the next will take over where the last had left off. So that the target is always under supervision.

Furthermore, like many improved sensors, the new generation of security cameras are able to detect minor trigger and also classify actions into person identifications. In other sense, these machines are armed with the abilities to learn so that users will have a better idea of the kinds of people that are often present at the premise under monitor.

Having smarter security systems also indicate that certain technology are make available at a cheaper price. For example, fingerprint scanner, a device which no longer monopolised by airports or major checkpoints. Having our fingerprints scanned in order to gain access to building or even to unlock computers or mobile phones are also becoming common. This definitely lesser the hassle of one to always change or renew their entry via passwords.

In general, smart technology connects our system together. So that all parts and components of the security ranging from cameras, detectors, locks, to access control and alarms are all link to one another, lessening the hassle of overall management and maintenance.